With Red Eye Remover we can get our photos without the horrible aspect of terror that the red eyes gives to our images.
When we open the program we can see a Menu bar, one toolbar, one window for see our pictures and in the foot of the program we can see the pupil detection, the correction strength and can select the darkening box.
In our picture we can mark with two squares the red eyes and the program can make all the process automatically.
In the first toolbar we can save, open o resize the different images, even confirm the overwrite of our files, we can use the zoom or fit the image to our window.
In the help section we can see a animated tutorial, the forum or go to the website.
In the other toolbar we can change the skins and select between eight skins for our interface.
We can handle the pupile detection scale, with the correction scale we can make the same and we can see the darkening box too.
This program is very useful for get pictures perfect without any imperfections, I recommend it.